'' Ersin Faikzade, World Goodwill Ambassador and Excellency international aid volunteer, sound artist and writer. He was born in 1982 in Izmir. He completed their primary education and high school years in Turkey Faikzade, from an early age he developed the technique with tenor reinforce the training that takes interest in music. Mother of Multiple Sclerosis after his arrest the disease and help patients who devoted himself to people in need in Faikzade this purpose, various charities and associations to Turkey, Europe, gave many free concerts in Latin America and Asia. With his international humanitarian projects he participated, he especially aimed to help people struggling with Down Syndrome, Multiple Sclerosis, Leprosy, Cancer.
He lived in England in various periods between 2004-2008. He studied Public Relations at Coleg Ceredigion in England and Intercultural Communication at Aberystwyth University. During his stay in England, he volunteered on various projects. Faikzade, who participated in the Plast Lluest Day Service project, which aims to enable the disabled to live better and supported by the European Union, lived with the disabled for 12 months in the Wales Region in line with this project. Here he engaged in cultural and social activities with autistic children and people with Down Syndrome. Italy and England also reinforced the singing technique, and it is called the "MOST POWERFUL SOUND" by the music authorities with its style of reading Turkish music. Different success in musical genres and robust sound with in the anılıyor.amerik with many nicknames in the world, '' Turkey's Diamond Cocugu '' in Pakistan: Bari You Sound, Iran: Love the Sound, and in Turkey: Italian to God deserves tenor he known.
He also worked at the Oxfam Foundation and Diana Foundation. Faikzade, who took Princess Diana's love and help to people as an example, was awarded the Gal Order in 2006 due to her writings about Princess Diana and her services to the Diana Foundation. In February 2014, he was rewarded with a medal of honor with his humanity projects that he made in Paraguay, Argentina and Chile in Latin American countries.
Ersin Faikzade aimed to strengthen intercultural dialogues without making any difference in religion, language, race and class by making use of the universal unifying aspect of music. Accordingly, he gave concerts in various parts of Europe for the promotion of Turkish Music. January 2009, in Sicily in Palermo in Sicily organized by the European Commission Intercultural European Youth Dialogue Project, the participating Turkish European Union in bulundu.palermo Parliament contributes to the promotion of music and to Turkey glance gave a speech on making big applause.
Faikzade, who has written in various publications on biography, history, health and travel, is known especially for his writings on Princess Diana, Princess Süreyya Esfandiary and Farah Pahlavi. It has reached many countries over the internet with the documentaries it has prepared on these issues. Many fan pages and blogs in which Ersin Faikzade's artist personality and humanity projects are highlighted have been opened in various languages.
Ersin Faikzade Buca in Turkey Disabled Association, Multiple Sclerosis Society, with Leprosy Control Association, Society Without Barriers Antalya, Turkish Education
He is a member of the Foundation and the Mothers Association. At the international level, he is a member of the European Union Former Volunteers, Princess of Walles, Diana, The World Friendship Force.
He made a duet in Turkish and Persian duet with the world-famous Iranian artist Sattar called 'Simin Bari' in Los Angeles. there has been.
Together with the beloved voice of Chile, Giovanni Gellona, they performed a duet in Spanish and Turkish in the song "Fiesta" in Santiago.
As a result of his voluntary work and humanitarian projects, he was selected as "World Goodwill Ambassador" by Human Rights Organization in September 2009.
On March 26, 2011, 'Excelleny Ambassador of Human Rights' was declared as diplomat by the World Human Rights Commission.
On March 28, 2012, "The Voice of Peace", that is, "The Voice of Peace", was declared in Pakistan. It is loved all over the world with its love-themed concerts and strong voice.
2012 DARIO MORENO Mediterranean Friendship, Peace and Music award was given to Ersin Faikzade.
American Diplomacy Site In April 2012, Diplomatic Artist Ersin Faikzade was chosen in partnership with 80 human rights organizations.
ERSIN FAIKZADE has been declared one of the people inspiring Humanity, by the International Council of WALDENBURG, by the International Council of Human Rights, Arbitration, Policy and Strategic Research.
He was awarded with the Medal of Honor for Humanity and music in PARAGUAY, ARGENTINA AND CLEAR in the 2-month large Latin American tour he attended in February 2014.
In May 2014, he received MEDIA AND FREEDOM RESISTANCE MEDAL in the capital of FRANCE, Paris.
In December 2015, he made his CD album in Spanish & Turkish with his famous Tenor PEDRO MORALES HİGUERA in Madrid, Spain.
In December 2015, he received the Italy Humanity Honor medal in a ceremony in the city of Frosinone, Italy.
In April 2016, Germany received the Courage and Heroic Medal in Hamburg.
An International Personality, a young man who distributes love and tolerance.
In 2017, he was declared a nurse of Paraguay from South American countries.
In April 2017, Uruguay Montevideo and Brazil Santa Vitoria de Palmar also took part in humanitarian projects.
In August 2017, the Princess of Wales in London, England, was the honorary subject of the Kensington Palace for the 20th anniversary of Diana's death and participated in World TVs.
in 2018 on the South American countries of Uruguay and Brazil taking part in projects in Down syndrome he has represented Turkey.
In February 2019, LOS ANGELES,AMERICA took the stage at Beverly Hilton as the honorary theme of the 50th anniversary premiere of Iranian world famous artist Sattar.
In July 2019, as the honor subject of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, it was the subject of state television PTV and radios that met with the lovers in the capital city of Islamabad and Lahore for the third time.
Ersin Faikzade was declared a Global Inspiring Artist and received his award at a ceremony in Dubai in May 2023, with his international concerts, the music he synthesized between east and west, and the bonds of friendship he established.
Secretary General and Co-Founder of the IHRC, Prof.h.c. Sir Rafal Marcin Wasik, in exercise of the powers conferred upon me by the constitution of the International Human Rights Commission with the registration in Czech Republic, European Union, and issued in accordinate with the authorization by the Supervisory Board, have the pleasure to appoint and designate Singer with Turkey Mr. Ersin Faikzade as IHRC Global Peace Ambassador from 11-05-2020
Princess Süreyya's life became a novel
International sound artist, peace ambassador, researcher and writer Ersin Faikzade met with the reader with Princess Süreyya's novel "Die from Love, Princess Süreyya".
Ersin Faikzade's new book, in which he boldly writes the facts, is making an impact all over the world, especially in Turkey. This unique book becomes Light and Hope to millions of fans of Princess Süreyya.
The book "Die from Love, Princess Süreyya", which is the result of 20 years of archive and research, in which the unknowns of Princess Süreyya, the most curious woman of the 20th century, are written, is growing in waves.
In addition to a fallen love and country, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, Adnan Menderes, Zeki Müren, Gönül Author, Princess Diana, Mevlana, Sadi Sirazi and many more unforgettable figures and events are included in this book. there is. There is a destroyed order, an exiled woman, a great and sad love that will touch the heart of the reader.
The Turkish edition of Ersin Faikzade's book "Die from Love, Princess Süreyya", which sheds light on all the facts of the period and recent history, has been completed. The biographical novel of Aşktan Ölmek, Princess Süreyya, which is now translated into Persian and English and will be translated into German, Spanish and French languages, has started to attract more and more attention all over the world.
Author Ersin Faikzade, who brings the life of Princess Süreyya, the second wife of Shah of Iran Mohammed Reza Pahlavi, the most curious woman of the century, her memories, difficult days and the facts that marked the period, with all her courage, is a source of pride for our country. he completed his unique and important work and brought his book together with the reader.
This unique book; A great synthesis of love of reality, politics and history. In the book "Die from Love, Princess Sureyya", where you will travel to the past between the pages; To the international achievements of the writer Ersin Faikzade; it is a work that he has revealed as proof that he has added a new one. Author Faikzade; He added that he has attempts to adapt the novel “Die from Love, Princess SORAYA” into a movie, and gave the good news that he will have serious initiatives and business partnerships on behalf of our country in the international arena.